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Fifth(and final) week in Rotterdam(Tarvi)

21.05 Oh my God, The Dutch have so many holidays. It's crazy. On monday it was another holiday, this time the Pentecost. The weather was really really good and we decided to take the most of it and go to The Hague. It's a city not too far from Rotterdam, around 20 kilometers away. We went by train, spent a bit of time there, got some street food and came back by bike. The way back was nice because of the good weather, but sadly my bicycle was a bit too small for me and that's why the 20km back was pretty tough. In the end it was worth it though. 22.05 Since it was the last few at work, I didn't expect to have too much to do. My prediction was quite right. On tuesday my task was to correct the wiki pages I had made because the supervisor found mistakes in the work I had done and asked me to correct those mistakes. 23.05 On wednesday I was given the task of finding information about quick wins and digital transformation. The supervisor explained the concepts to

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