
My morning started at 7.15, had my regular breakfast and also prepared my lunch for work. At work, every morning we do "stand-up-s", where at start we give a grade on how we are feeling today, if the grade is low, then usually you have to explain why it's low. After giving grades, we all start talking about our projects, not all at the same time, one person gets to speaks at a time. So basically you talk about the project and if you have any problems, then you speak about them and Michiel gives solutions/tips on how to solve them, which is nice. At around 11.00 we had a sitting with our team and Michiel, where we talked about the project. The topics, whics Michiel talked about were about back-end, so my 3 teammates got themselves a new task. For me nothing changed, I'm still working on front-end. For lunch I had my salad and also made 4 sandwiches. After that got back to work and continued my work on the destinations page. If you already don't know, then we are using Laravel framework and all my code is written in Bootstrap 4. After work we went to the gym with Brenet to train back and shoulders. After workout I decided that today is my refeed day, where i drop my fat and protein intake by about 10-15% and eat 100g of carbohydrates more. The point of refeed day is that if you diet for a long time, then your metabolism starts to slow down and your weight/fat loss journey also slows down, so what I did was give myself a metabolism boost. Made myself a protein shake with almond milk and ate a banana and a couple of strawberries. The whole night I didn't touch my laptop, instead I was reading a book called "Must vöö müügis" and washed my laundry. Got to bed at 22.45, about 15 mins later the rats started making noise, didn't give a dang about that. At around 02.00 at night Tarvi arrived also, that when I woke up and had to go to toilet 'cause my bladder was pretty full, well I went to empty it and after that I went back to sleep.


Woke up at 7.30, had my regular breakfast and as of today I thought of not cooking food to work anymore, because I want to save money and the sandwiches actually taste really nice. At work first thing we did was talk through our tasks today in our team. After that we had stand-up and after the stand-up Kayra did an presentation about hip-hop in english. My main focus today was to do minor tweaks on the front-end side, for example the header and footer weren't full-width, solution was easy, just had to remove container class. Also had a merge conflict, so had a chance to fix that also. After work I cooked myself tuna with 2 eggs and after that we went to gym with Brenet to train chest and legs, it was pretty brutal workout to be honest with you. Post-workout meal was protein shake and day ended with a little trip to grocery shop.


Woke up at 7.25, had oatmeal for breakfast, went to work. At morning we didnt have our bosses at the office so instead of stand-up we had an presentation about Laika film studios, which was presented by Sem, she did it in english, because I dont speak dutch. Got lots of nice information from the presentation, for example every character in Laika's movie is hand-made puppet, so everything you see on the screen you can touch, also they are using stopmotion technique in their movies and they're aiming for 1 movie a year. After that worked on the project and then came lunch. For lunch I had 4 sandwiches and 1 nutella sandwich. After lunch I started learning Bootstrap 4, because I didn't have any tasks to do. Our team captain was absent today, so yeah I just studied Bootstrap. After work I had chicken with rice and then we went to the gym with Brenet to train shoulders. Post-workout meal was tuna with eggs, day ended with studying Bootstrap.


Woke up at around 9 went to the toilet and after that went back to bed and started reading a book called "Must vöö müügis", after reading for about a hour I finally had my breakfast which you already know what it is. Hour after breakfast I ate an banana and then we went to the gym with Brenet to train chest and legs. Today was the day when i finally reached 5x9 with pullups. Post-workout meal was chicken with rice, after lunch we went to the city with Brenet, our objective was to buy new sneakers. We went to various shops - JD, Nike, Foot Lockers, Snipes etc, unfortunately we didn't find anything. After looking around for hours I felt exhausted and went home, Brenet on the other hand went to Mediamarkt to buy a new mouse. Rest of the day we spent at home because the weather wasn't the best.


Woke up at 9. My task today was to finish reading my book. So i took up my book and finished it. At around 10 I had my oatmeal and 30 mins later ate a banana also. After that I was hanging in my computer until 14.00, then we went to the city with Henri and Brenet, when we started coming back home we stopped by grocery shop and bought yoghurts and all kinds of goodies. Then we had our lunch and at 16.00 we took our bikes and went to a park which is near Euromast. We were there for 4 hours. Weather was perfect, we were sunbathing and enjoying life, I've got to say that this park was the most beautiful park I've ever seen, at around 20.00 when it started to get a little bit cold, we packed our stuff, took our bikes, cruised slowly around the park and when we got outside of the park, we cruised around the shore, took some pictures and were just fascinated the beauty of this city. When we got back to home me and Henri started watching "Black Mirror", Brenet started studying. But the serial, which we watched with Henri was very nice, we watched total of 2 episodes, which took us about 2.5h, after that we were so tired, that we went to sleep.


Woke up at 10, started reading book "4 tunnine töönädal", in english it would be "4 hour work week". For breakfast I had oatmeal once again, after eating we went to the gym with Brenet. We trained back and shoulders, a little bit of abs and did a 30 min cardio session. When we got back to home then Henri invited us to Haag, we didn't feel like going there. Henri and Tarvi went to Haag, me and Brenet went to Dirk (grocery shop) to buy ingredients for burger. For lunch we cooked 2 burgers per person, these were the best burgers I've ever had. After eating I studied a little bit of Bootstrap and then watched 1 episode of "Black Mirror". After that I took my book up once again and readed for about a hour. By that time Henri and Tarvi had got back from Haag, so we went to grocery shop with Henri and Brenet to buy stuff that we need. My day ended with eating tunafish and studying javascript until 23.00.


Woke up at 7.25, ate oatmeal for breakfast, at 8.10 I started pedalling to work, arrived there at 8.25. Today we didn't have Michiel at the office, so the stand-up was hosted by another student. After the stand-up I learned a bit of javascript until lunch. For lunch i had 6 sandwiches, 2 of them were with peanut butter and white chocolate, I'm in love with Dutch lunch. After lunch I started fixing minor bugs on the pages, which I had created earlier this month. Work ended at 17.00, I arrived at home 17.15. Immediately started cooking, made myself some marinated chicken fillet, and my plan was to eat it with rice, but the rice got roasted at pot, so I only ate fillet. After that we went to the gym with Brenet, we trained chest/legs and abs, no cardio today because we trained legs and it's pretty hard to do cardio when legs are dead. Post-workout meal was protein shake with 1 banana. During the evening I calculated new macro goals for myself, as of now I'm eating 2000kcal daily, used to eat 2100kcal. After intense calculations I started making color guessing game with javascript, the logic of the app is that there will be 6 boxes with different rgb colors, one color which must be guessed is displayed largely aboce the boxes like so for example rgb(255, 0, 128) and then the user has to guess which box corresponds to the rgb code. If the user guesses wrongly, then the clicked box fades into darkness, when user finally gets the right answer then all of the boxes turn that color. So that's what I did for the rest of the night, enjoyed every moment of it.


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