First week in Rotterdam(Tarvi)


I took a bus from Tartu to the Tallinn airport at 11. I always like to be everywhere early in case something happens. So I got to the airport at 13:30 and managed to give my bigger luggage away immediately. Then i proceeded to go through security, which was not a problem, and got to the waiting longue where I sat for the next 2 hours, passing time by playing on my phone. At about 15.30, the others arrived and we talked until we were able to board the plane. The flight was a nice surprise because my previous experiences with flying have always been with cheap airlines like Ryanair or Easyjet and those flights are always completely full of people, but flying with Scandinavian airlines was awesome because there were not many people and i got to sit alone by the window for the first time in my life. Furthermore, they served free coffee and tea, which was also really cool. We landed in Copenhagen and had about an hour until our next flight to Amsterdam, so we sat in the waiting room.
The next flight to Amsterdam was just as great because again, the plane was only about half full and I got to sit alone.
We landed in Amsterdam and quickly managed to get our luggage. After that we bought train tickets to the Amsterdam center to look around a bit before heading to Rotterdam. We walked around the center a bit and then went to get our train tickets to Rotterdam. We got on the train as it started to get dark outside. The trainride was about one hour and when we arrived in Rotterdam, it was about 22:20. We grabbed a quick bite to eat from the kiosk in the station and headed to find our apartment.
The apartment we had booked was about one kilometer away from the train station and quite easy to find. When we got to the apartment, we were met a woman who showed us the place, where everything was and so forth. After she had left, we decided to make some adjustments to the placement of the beds so everyone could have their own private corner at least. After that we went to sleep.


The first full day in Rotterdam. While the others had made arrangements to have the first day off, so they could look around and buy bikes, I had promised to go to work. So i got up in the morning extra early so I could look up where exactly I have to go. After waking up and not eating breakfast simply because there was nothing to eat, I started my attempt at getting to work. Sadly i'm not with a very good sense of direction and so I had to rely on google maps. At 10 I stepped outside, figuring that since i would have to be there at 11, it would probably be better to start moving early because i might get lost. I was right. It was not easy to figure out where to go because the surroundings were new and I didn't know anything about Rotterdam. Luckily I managed to more or less find my way and got to the company just before 11. I rang the doorbell and was met by a man named Jan who does front-end work at the company. I went upstairs and met the owner and main man at the company named Albert, as well as two younger developers, Brent and Theos. Firstly I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement(standard procedure of course) and then Albert explained the nature of the what the company, I-concept, does. He explained that they have their own system, a low code platform, that they use to build websites for clients.
At first I felt absolutely lost because there was this whole new wave of information dropped on me and I couldn't make much sense of it. The first few hours I kind of sat and read the company website, trying to understand what exactly what their system was, how it made sense, just trying to grasp it all.
During the break I went to the store with the others and exchanged a few sentences. Turns out it was someone's birthday and on the first day I already got to eat cake.
With a few hours left in the day, I was given a bunch of little practice exercises and access to a trainee portal where I could do my tasks.  These are the tasks I had to do:


Create a new user with youremail@address as username and your own contact info
Place this user in the team "T-team" and give the user team admin rights.
Send an email with "Welcome to my team" via the emailing module to all team members of t-team


Go to portal management > widget management and create 2 widgets:
Widget portal article list with only the news items from your t-team (category whitelist)
Widget teamlist placed under user login, with the setting that the user sees only the teams of which he is a member

Go to your team and place a few messages in the shoutbox.
Then you will archive that chat session

Go to your team and create a wiki with a nice name
Create 2 chapters with clear numbering, so chapter 1 and chapter 2
In chapter 2, create the subchapters (or sections: par 1, par 2 and par 3)
Put a piece of lorem ipsum text in par 3 and insert a picture.
At par 1 you add an attachment

Go to your team, create a site of type SEO
Make these pages: index, contact, products and product1 as a sub page of products
Make sure there is an automated menu / table of contents on the index page by choosing the correct file name
Make sure that all pages get perfect meta tags.

Go to portal management > tag management and create the tag "product" with setting "visible"
Also make the tag "dtw-train" with setting invisible
Go to portal management > team management and edit team and and assign the tag "dtw-train"
Go to your team site management, to your SEO site and give the product1 page the tag "product"
Go to your news management and give your news item tags "product" and "dtw-train"
Go from portal management to widget management and create a widget of the type Dynamic Tag, type HTML with the name "dtw-train" and with the text "<h2> This is an HTML DTW </ h2>"
Finally, create a widget of the type Dynamic Tag, type News with the name "T-team news" and with limit 5.

Go from portal management to user management and import 3 new users who automatically have to be placed in your team.
Go from portal management to digest management and create a new digest, only for your team members.
The digest must only contain news categories from your team.
Optimize the design by adding a nice image header in the top section and add a section "unsubscribe via this link" in the bottom.
Set the digest on Tuesdays at 15:00
Send a test to yourself first and if it is right, activate your digest.

Go from portal management to portal resources and add the necessary rules to show the icons for Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc in user preferences.

I started working on my exercises and little by little started to get see how their system works. I was not able to finish the tasks on that day and so I would go home and continue the next day. The workday finished at 17.30.
Since i didn't have a bike, I had to walk home for three kilometers and I got home before 19, completely exhausted and my brain stuffed with new information.
That was also still not the end of the day, because our teachers Anne Mootse and Eve Mäeorg wanted to meet with us that evening, so I had to walk there because the others had used their free day to get themselves bikes. So we went to the hotel where our teachers were staying, the others with their bikes, me walking behind as fast as I could, not knowing that my bike adventures would only be starting.
We got the hotel and sat with our teachers and talked for a bit. I didn't really say much because I was very tired and just wanted to go home and watch football(Liverpool vs Roma was on tv that evening), so I mostly just listened to what the others had to say. After we left, we went to a fast food place and brought some food home to eat while watching football.
All in all, the first day was postive, but there was definitely lots of new info and it was very tiring.


While the others went to see the companies and the partner school on wednesday, I went to work. I got to the office and continued working on my little exercises(the ones that were listed above). Those exercises should not have taken very long, but because I was not really familiar with their system, it took me almost the entire day to finish them. Also there were errors along the way and I had to do some things several times and ask for help because otherwise I would not have managed to finish the exercises. Doing those little tasks, I slowly started to understand their system and how it worked and really what it was for and it started to make sense to me. Yay, progress. I guess. As I said, it took me a while to finish the exercises. After that, I was shown a page which they had to customize for clients and I got tasked with doing a little bit of HTML for the site by adding a banner to a certain place and making sure it only showed on one specific page. That was my second workday, a pretty quiet day. Talked to my colleagues a bit, they asked me some questions. They were very surprised when they found out I had walked to work.
In the evening when I got home, we found an advertisement for a potential bike for me. I eagerly  wanted to go and buy it right away and set out to go and get it. Sadly the route google maps gave me was a giant circle and later it turned out there would have been a much simpler way, but I did not know that, so started walking and when i was about a kilometer away, my phone ran out of battery and I was forced to go back. I wrote to the seller and promised i'd go and buy the bike the following day. However, that walk was not completely pointless, because next day I already knew which direction I had to go in. It can also be looked at as getting to know the city.


Last workday of the week because friday was King's Day, a big holiday for the dutch. I went to work at 9 in the morning and felt how my feet were aching from the endless walking the previous few days. I think the first 3 days, before getting a bike I must have walked twenty to thirty kilometers on foot. That day at work I got a new task that kept me occupied for several days. I got tasked with translating wikis for the english version of the company website from dutch to english with google translate and making sure the text sounds logical and the grammar does not have any errors.
I started first by trying to make sense of how many wikis there were and there were a lot. Then I went through them one by one and translated them. But since i didn't have a place to put them, I had to create each wiki in the trainee portal. As you may guess, that took a lot of time, that's why I wasn't able to finish it all in one day.
Finishing work, I messaged the bike seller and agreed to finally go and buy the bike. I walked there from work, which was altogether about four kilometers or a bit more. The person selling the bike was a very nice woman who asked me where i'm from and we talked a bit. She showed me the bike and i quickly agreed to buy it, even paying five euros more than she asked because I didn't find it neccessary to make her run upstairs to get me the 5 euros. So finally I got a bike. Yay. Anyway..since i'm really paraonid about traffic and I never ride my bike without a helmet, I decided to walk home with the bike, because my helmet was in the apartment. And yes, I actually brought a bike helmet with me from Estonia.
That evening we went out to eat at a cafe called "Pickles," with our teachers before they had to go back to Estonia the next day. So we sat for a while and chatted, talking about different things. I tried some Holland dish called croquets, which were actually pretty tasty. Though I didn't feel like that was enough, so on the way home, I got some junk food from KFC and ate that.


I was planning to use this day to go to the cinema, but the others wanted to go on saturday instead so we postponed. Instead we went out to the city to ride our bikes and see what kind of celebrations were going on because it was King's day, a very big holiday for the people in The Netherlands. We started and our first stop was on the main shopping street where there was a big and loud concert going on, but we decided to not buy tickets to that and keep going instead. Soon we ended up in a kind of suburb looking area away from the center. There were celebrations going on and a flea market. We walked through that and stopped to see some performers and get some food.
On our way home, we passed some similar flea market looking things, but it looked like most stuff had already been sold. There was also a street where usually trams would go through, but for this day the street had been closed for traffic and it was full of people, making it pretty much impossible to ride a bike. The only really notable thing worth mentioning is that there was the possibilty to pay money to ride a bike that only goes forward if you pedal backwards.


Let's get something out of the way first, I am a huge movie fan. I love movies and everything related to them. That's why I couldn't wait to visit a cinema in Rotterdam. I always try to go to the movies whenever i'm abroad.
When the others found out about my plan to go to the cinema, they decided that they wanted to come too. And on saturday afternoon we went to see "Avengers: Infinity war" in the local cinema Pathé Schouwburgplein. The film was amazing and I think the others liked it as well.


The weather was not nice at all on sunday and it was altogether sleepy day. Around one o'clock, two of us went to the gym and the rest of us decided to go to a local pub to watch  a football game between two Rotterdam football clubs. We got there and watched half of the game and ate some food before heading back home. The rest of the day went pretty slowly with the grey weather not helping at all.


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