Fifth week of internship in Rotterdam (Brenet)

On Monday we woke up at 10, because it was a holiday and we did not have to go to work. I cooked some food and went to the GYM. After that we stopped by the grocery store to buy some things for making burgers. The food we made was delicious. After eating I started writing code again.

I woke up at 7:40, made food and packed my stuff. Me and Henri arrived at work 8:30. Then we made coffee and started translating. Jeron wanted us to translate Santa (their testing system) to Russian. Within a day we managed to translate 7 pages from 17. After work we cycled home from a new kind of road. At home I changed clothes and went to the gym with Endrik.

We arrived at work 8:30, made coffee and started translating. Because we are not the best in Russian, Henri called her grandmother to get some help. We managed to almost finish it all. There were still some correctios left to do to get it finished. After work we went home and I trained a little bit. At 20 we went to Jeroun’s (the boss) house for dinner. Jeroun’s apartment was truly beautiful and the view from the balcony was even greater. Me and Henri made salad and cooked the meat. After eating we headed home.

I woke up at 7:40, showered and ate. We arrived at work 8:35 and we started making corrections in the translations. Also we had to fill in some documents. After work we went home and from there I went to the gym. In the gym it we did cardio and hands. After that we made dinner and went to sleep early.

We arrived at work 8:25, made final touches in our translations and completed filling out our internship documents. At noon we said goodbye to Service Planet. After that we cycled home and met up with Ellen to discuss how the internship went. Ellen was very satisfied with us. At 4 o'clock, I went shopping for souvenirs and sweets. In the evening we stayed at home. 

I woke up at 10 and made food for myself. For lunch we went to town, because there was a fare. We looked around in the fair for a few hours, but found nothing. Then we went to the souvenirs shop, where I bought a few things. We all watched football in the evening. 


I woke up at 5,ate and backed my last things. Jeron picked us up with his Tesla and drove us to the airport. There we had to wait for 2 hours, because the plane was late for 30 min. In Copenhagen we also had to wait for 2 hours, because there the plane was 1 hour late. At 17:20 we finally arrived in Estonia. 


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