Fourth week in Rotterdam(Tarvi)


Going to work on monday, I really didn't know what to expect and at first I guess they didn't have much for me to do since the first thing they asked me, was to do some basic testing to see if everything in the demo portal works. There was not a whole lot to test, I went through every page and function and wrote down the few errors that I noticed and told my colleagues about them since these were things I could not fix.
I was tasked with fixing some grammar errors on the wikis I had worked on a few weeks earlier. After finishing that, I was given another set of wikis to translate, this time only 17 pages, but it would still take time.
Then I had to add a certain widget to the wiki pages that I had just created that could enable the user quick access to other related wiki pages and making sure they link to the right pages.
At home i wrote my practice diary and blog.


I started by adding images to the pages that I hadn't managed to get to, the previous day. I finished that in about two hours and double checked the grammar as well.
The next thing was cleaning up HTML code of unneccesary "font sizes" and "spans." I went through every page with the "Find" function and searched for spans. One page had 144 spans, so you can guess that removing them all by hand took a bit of time and it wasn't the most interesting work. I got done with it in the end though.
Next I had to make sure the buttons in the widget had correct links. That didn't take very much time.
At the end of the day, I was given some code to add to the trainee portal that I mostly used if I needed to take screenshots of some function. However it was late so largely that went into the next day.
After work I went home for a little bit to quickly get something to eat and then spent the rest of the evening outside.


I continued from where i left off the previous day and added the dynamic tag widget to the pages in the trainee portal. But for some reason the buttons didn't appear right next to each other and it took some time and looking through the HTML code to find the problem and fix it, but in the end all the icons were nicely next to each other as they should have been.
Besides that, I also needed to check grammar and customize the widget.
In the evening I went to the cinema for a movie marathon that started at 21:30 and anded at 2 o'clock at night.


On thursday my task was to add an image slider on the webpage. I started by looking at different ways of doing it online, but I forgot that there was actually a really easy way of creating a slider by using the "create slideshow" function and that cost me a few hours.
Next I was shown a page with "new features" that they update regularly and write short descriptions about new features and add pictures to show how to use the features.
I started and almost right away had a problem because one feature was broken and I couldn't use it. I was told to exclude that one and just focus on the others.
To be honest it took me a while to get what they actually wanted me to do because the instructions were not very clear and by the time I understood what to do, the workday was pretty much already over and I would have to keep going the next day.
The weather was quite nice and that's why I decided to spend the rest of the evening outside until it got dark.


On friday I kept working on the pages about the features. When I was done, I sent it to my colleague who checked it and pointed out a few mistakes that needed fixing. After fixing those things, they wanted me to write another page about another feature, but said that I should do it without asking for any help. Because I had no instructions, I had difficulties understanding how this feature worked at first, but once I figured it out, It was quite easy and it went really fast. By half past two I was finished with everything, but it seems there was a problem with the server that they had to deal with and they didn't have time to give me any new tasks. So from 14:30 to 17:30, the official work hours, I waited for someone to say something to me. But no one did and my workday was over.


Since it was the weekend, I felt like I should spend time outside. But before that, the blog needed some attention and I had fallen behind. I struggled with it for a few hours, but got something written down and then went outside. First I headed to an electronics store to return some items and then I rode around the city for a while, but the weather could have been better. Luckily it didn't rain.
I didn't want to be in the apartment the whole day and decided to pass the time by going to the cinema...again.


I started the day by spending time writing my practice diary and blog again. The weather was really good and I didn't want to waste it because the weather forecast promised rain and thunder. I wasn't really sure where to go and the only place I could think of to go, was the Feyenoord stadium on the other side of the river. I'm not good with directions and google maps is annoying and that's why I had trouble finding the stadium. Also the fact that it's not in the city center and is quite far away. Anyway, the ride was quite nice, even though it was a very hot day. After seeing the stadium, I went to eat at an italian restaurant that was right next to the stadium. The first restaurant in Rotterdam that had normal prices. A miracle.


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