Henri's fifth week in Rotterdam!

5th WEEK:(21.05-27.05)

Day 29: Monday

Yay, national holiday - free day for us again, woooptiwoop yay! Woke up at 10, ate 2 bananas, went to bar-training session at noon, it was a bit hot outside, so my longsleeved training-gear wasn't the best option. Boys went to gym. I returned a little bit before 1.15, had a shower and made 2 sandwiches. I had wanted to ride my bike from Hague to Rotterdam since my arrival. So I thought today is a good day for cycling. Tarvi joined with me. Hague was really beautiful, such high buildings and beautiful houses everywhere. All the road on our way back was very-very beautiful, probably the best bike-ride of my life. It was the best idea that Me and Tarvi decided to go. Back home, wrote some blog, watched some Netflix. For dinner, me and Brenet ate some chicken with vegetables and fell asleep around 11. I was a bit tired from the bike ride, so I just enjoyed rest of the evening inside.

 One of the best burgers I have had for a long time!

One very expensive car:

Day 30: Tuesday

Woke up at 7.20, wasn't the easiest mornings. It was raining and cloudy, but it was warm. Had 2 bananas for breakfast and arrived to work on time. Because of the grey weather, I wasn't feeling very enthusiastic about today.
We are continuing our translation work, we start with the Russian translations. My grandma will help us with the translation. So, today and tomorrow, we are translating, hope we will get it done. I started from the beginning, Brenet from the ending, we translated in the Conference Room. Our day's coal was to translate 8 pages in total.
We managed to translate 6 pages of 17 to Russian, but we are not so sure how correct they are. We will continue tomorrow. Also, Ellen wants to meet us one more time before our departure, so we agreed to meet on Friday at 1 pm.
For lunch, I ate 3 sandwiches, a banana and a kiwi. Clouds had dissapeared from sky when we started our bike ride to home. Ofcourse we took the beautiful-one via small streets and next to canals. I had another bar-training session today, because tomorrow we have dinner with Jeroen, so couldn't train then.
For dinner we heated up yesterday food, cooked some rice for extra. Fell to sleep around 11 pm.

Our translation work:

Clouds had almost cleared from the sky on our way back:

Look at my crown, my crown is amazing
Dude enjoying weather in our "yard":

Day 31: Wednesday

Woke up at 7.24, slept very good, didn't wake once during the night. I was surprised and satisfied because I haven't slept well in a while. Ate 2 bananas and a yogurt, had a shower and started our bike ride near 8.05. Weather wasn't good, but it wasn't that bad either, it was drizzling a little bit, but so little that I didn't even have to use my raining coat.
As usual, arrived on time, had some coffees and went to Contact Center to continue our translation. We didn't manage to translate a lot yesterday, so we had to translate the rest with today.
By 11, I had finished my six first pages, so I rang my grandma and asked her help. At first, it seemed like she can't help us because of the weak connection, but after a while connection improved randomly. We managed to check the first 2,5 pages before our lunchbreak and rest 3,5 pages after the lunchbreak. For lunch, I had 3 sandwiches and a kiwi, same as yesterday.
For now, we have 6 pages of Russian translations checked with Grandma, yay, and the rest is translated - nice day's work, isn't it hehe? Our boss, Jeroen was also satisfied with our result, we are almost finished hehe!
Tomorrow we will fill the internship documents and check the last translations, I hope we did okay!
We got home couple minutes before half past 5, was a bit hungry, but couldn't eat because we have dinner with our boss in the evening and I didn't want to lose my appetite! He lives in a big skyscraper next to Het Park, which we visited on the weekend - that's a really good place to live!
I think I don't know enough words to describe how good time we had at Jeroen's. He really has one of the most beautiful apartments I have seen, 2 cute cats, the view of the City is unreal, and the food we cooked for dinner was out of this world.
We made our own beef-steaks and chicken which we barbecued. Salad and potatoes with pickles and onions also. And Dutch people eat this peanutbutter-sauce(Satay sauce?) with everything, I had never tasted it, I found it odd that "it goes with everything" as I was told. One bite with some sauce and I thought how much I have missed out while being here! This was probably the best sauce ever. Sooo good!! All the food was just so delightful and delicious. We chatted all evening, talked about Estonia and the Netherlands, their people and also family roots, it was great. Jeroen said that if we would come back here and look for a job, he would definetly help us!! WOW, this guy!
Living in the Netherlands would be a dream come true and having a huge connection like him who offered to help us, just wow. Making and building-up connection exactly like this was my main objective or bonus when coming here and I succeeded! Amazing boss we have!!
We agreed that we finish school before coming here. And he could find us a job as programmers too, good programmers are always welcome here.
We left like half an hour before midnight, only because we were getting too sleepy from the long day. WE HAD THE BEST TIME! Overwhelmed with positivity, rode our bikes home and fell asleep after midnight.

Look at the joy in my eyes:


Day 32: Thursday

Woke up at 7, didn't sleep good at all, because mice were the noisiest they have been so far! They just kept going all night, for real, I woke up atleast 4 times :D But I wasn't exhausted or tired at all, because we had such great time last evening. I woke up with a really good mood.
Ate 2 bananas and went to work. Weather was good, it was warm and not raining - normal for bike ride. We took coffees from Lunch-Room and headed to Contact Center.
Today we had to finish the rest of the translations and also fill in our documents. We started with the translations for an hour, then continued with filling in the documents, just in case if there's no time tomorrow. Some of the documents, like Assessment list, were also filled by supervisor(Lennert and Jeroen), so I check at home if our feedback is positive 😁
Around 11 I called to my grandma and we finished the first 11 pages before lunchbreak. For lunch, I had 3 sandwiches and not a kiwi, because I had forgotten my kiwi at home, darn Henri.. no vitamins today hehe.
After lunch, we managed to translate almost all the required phrases and words to Russian. Only one and a half pages to go! I was really satisfied with our work and thanked my grandma a lot. Without her we couldn't have managed. At the end of the work-day, I posted my bike for sale online in hopes of selling it before our departure. I have an agreement with one Greek dude, that he will check out the bike tomorrow. If he doesn't want it, then I might not have enough time for selling it, let's see.
This time, weather had turned worse with the work-day, something new for us. Usually it was always a nice weather on our way back. But bike ride was nice, I enjoyed it, it was one of the two of my last bikerides to home, that's why. At home, I went to bar-training session, boys went to gym. After that, we heated up Tuesday's dinner and for dessert I ate apple pies, they were really good. Fell asleep between 9-10 o'clock, because was just so exhausted.

This is how I felt in the morning:

Morning bike ride:

At work:

Bike ride back home:

Day 33: Friday

Woke up at 7, without alarm-clock. Sun was already shining and it was like 18 degrees outside, very warm. Had a yogurt, a banana and a kiwi for breakfast - good breakfast. Arrived at work almost 10 minutes early and had a coffee. Greeted everyone on my way to Contact Center. Today is the last day of work. We got our last filled documents, feedback was very positive in my opinion. We corrected and checked the last one and a half pages, yay, we did it! Nice work, I guess, I hope the grammar is correct 😀
We were at work til mid-day, said last good-byes, thanked everyone for their guidance and calm nerve, wished everyone good luck and rode our bikes to Ellen.

I want to show my gratitude towards Service Planet. I met so many new and interesting people, they were better colleagues I could have ever wished for. My boss(Jeroen) and supervisors(Lennert, William) are extremely kind, considerate hard-working men, that is why they lead this great company towards bigger success every day! Everyone were calm and friendly to us. I hope our paths cross again 😊All the success in the future! 

As we rode past our home, Tarvi joined us. Endrik had couple beers with colleagues because of the last day and he didn't come with us. We had our last chat with Ellen, thanked her for the great experience we gained. Ellen was again so sweet and kind to us, uuuh such lovely woman. She invited us back and contact directly with her, only then for a longer period. We learned that basically you can't do anything here with your 5 weeks, you need to come for a longer period, to get the full experience you need and are looking for. Not that mine was bad, it was the best, only if it would had been longer, I would have learned so much more.

Back home we visited candy store and also one souvenir shop, where everyone bought themselves a magnet for refrigirator(dno if corrent). On our way home, also bought some dinner continents: chicken, paprika, onion and curry spice. I cut everything, but then Constantinus, the Greek dude contacted me. Said he will be at my front door at 5.15. Dude was late 5 minutes, but people here take their time, I have learned that, so no worries there. He liked the bike, ofcourse why wouldn't he?!?! Matunaator the amazing cruiser is da best transport device/instrument in Rotterdam. Only scooter might come in handy for longer trips, but that's where you train your stamina!
Well, back to bike selling. Constantinus has lived in Rotterdam for 2 years, also doing Erasmus+ internship, but his last bike got stolen. Now he is looking for a new one. Matunaator's soul comes with me, but body belongs now to Spartan. I hope he takes care of the bike, but to be honest, since the oil accident, it has ruined my clothes couple times and has somewhere uncleaned oil, so I am happy to sell it - 70 euros, dude didn't want the bag and the lock, said 70-75, but you know how it goes 😁 70 it was, well, fine for me, I was the first one to sell my bike, Brenet might have some difficulties, but I hope he can pull it off.
Last Friday, I bought myself some Coronas and thought I'm gonna rent a bike with an app. Also dinner was delicious as always, Brenet's a good cook! Maybe in the evening I will have a bike-ride. But I am pretty tired, so I think I will go to sleep around 11. Take care!

Just so that you could understand what a miracoulous city this is, essentialy nature is brought to you:

Back home:

I let the boys to close the bridge:

On our way to Ellen:

On our way to underneath the river:

Riding under river, another new experience for me:

A view from Ellen's office:

Hehe messing with the mouse, karma:

 Beautiful friendly dawg just chilling @ bars:

Day 34: Saturday

Woke up early, at 8, didn't feel like sleeping more, basically this was the last day. Had a shower and breakfast, checked the weather outside - like 28 degrees and sunny, uuuuh. Today's main task was to find some souvenirs. We asked Ellen where we could find them for affordable price and heard that there is an open market today near Markethal! It started already at 9 and should end like 4-5 pm. Couldn't afford to waste any time and by 11 we had already left to market. It was so hot! We all had sold our bikes, so we had to walk to city this time - wasn't very nice, the walk wasn't too long either, but I would prefer bike.
The market was huge, so many stalls.. but very few interesting things for me. But there were some stalls, where I could buy something for myself too.

At the market, I had a Mexicano with Broodje(bread) and Pina(Peanutbutter)-sauce. I wanted to know if you could really eat Pina-sauce with everything. Well, you CAN with Mexicano(meatsub), it was so delicious!! Could have eaten 2 more atleast, hehe. Souvenirs bought, we headed back to home, visited different grocery stores(Coop and Albert Heijn) to buy some eatable souvenirs etc.
We were back home a bit before 4. It was a long walking trip! I was a bit tired, but still it was the final day with the Champions League FINAL! Went to grocery store, bought myself five 0,33 Coronas and two mango Aloe-Vera drinks. We cleaned the apartment and also packed all our stuff, uuh so many things! 😁
It was 4 hours til game, but the sun had tired me, so I felt exhausted, even fought with sleep! I couldn't do powernap, otherwise I would have not slept during night or atleast would have some problems with falling to sleep, but we have to get up really early tomorrow and long day ahead, too!
Around 6 pm I started drinking my beers and finally got rid of my sleepiness. Went outside for a last walk in a city and guys went to get groceries.
I have grown great fondness towards Rotterdam, my last walk was great - I chose quieter places where there wouldn't be so much people and I could enjoy peace in solitude.  I went to a park, sat there and watched birds, but didn't bring any bread with me 😔 .
I enjoy the ability of being one with nature in such a big city. Something we don't have in my hometown Tartu. Walked home via longer route next to different canals and beautiful houses. When I got "home", I was a bit sad because we're leaving but also I really-really wanna see by best buddy Bobo at home.
I made hotspot with my phone (we don't have normal connection as you remember), because Champions League Final hehe. Final started well, Liverpool dominated, everything was good.. and then Sergio Ramos injures Mo Salah(the leader of Liverpool team), who can't continue and walks off in tears.. Liverpool had lost their leader and eventually Real Madrid won 3-1. Sad ending to my day.. 2/2 Finals I really looked forward to while being in Rotterdam and both results are terrible. I feel a bit scared with the coming-up World Cup..
Anyways, dissapointed with the final result, packed my final things and went to sleep around 11.

Day 35: Sunday

Woke up at 5.20, Endrik was already taking a shower, Tarvi hadn't sleep very well, so he was up already at 5. Ate breakfast, checked we had everything and if apartment looks fine. Around 6.20 Jeroen picked us up and we started our drive to Schipol. Jeroen had been to concert last night and due to that he hadn't got many sleep-hours last night.
On our way to Schipol, Jeroen told us fascinating things about the surroundings and the Dutch. It seems like they are the World's leading ecological or environment-friendly country, or atleast are working towards it.
We were at Schipol 7.15, Jeroen walked with us to check-in to make sure we will be okay. We thanked him for everything, said last good-byes and took a picture(because who wouldn't want a picture with nr1 Boss).
We had to wait like 40 minutes for check-in to open their desks and when we finally managed to give away our luggage, mine was 3kg over the limit, but the lady didn't mind so I didn't mind her for making us wait so long - win-win for both 😁

Security check was also fun(not that I had any problems but chatted with a friendly guy there, who wished us a good flight home) and we went to our gate, our plane was supposed to take off 10.05. There was some error in schedule, so that our plane arrived 20 minutes late and we took off 35 minutes later than expected. This was quite good for us, because we had to wait 2,5 hours in Copenhagen for our next flight! Not something I was thrilled with. 

Copenhagen flight went quickly, also the estimated 2 hours of waiting time. But the next plane was also behind schedule! And this time 40 minutes.. Not good at all.. In total we took off from Copenhagen like 50 minutes after we were supposed to, at 2.40..

During my flight to Tallinn, I watched two episodes of Friends which I had downloaded earlier and chatted with two elderly people who will be visiting Baltic countries. And then we finally arrived to Tallinn, an hour late than expected! Luckily, we didn't buy our tickets before(we almost did, but then the error in schedule caught our eye). Next bus came in 35 minutes, so went to bus station to waste some time. There we found out there are no seats left for buses to Tartu for next hour and a half.. This day just keeps getting longer and longer!!!
I ordered taxi with Taxify and we drove to Tallinn's Bus Station. Finally, got tickets for 7.15 bus to Tartu and had to wait over an hour. That went actually very quickly, I bought myself a Hot Dog and water from local R-Kiosk. One final thing, bus ride is 2 hours and 50 minutes instead of 2 hours and 30 minutes - yay another extra 20-minutes. But naaah, I didn't mind, I just thought: "I will be home soon and get to see my buddy".

During the busride, I wrote the last post to my blog, listened some music and watched Friends. My younger sister picked me up from bus-station and finally, after a long day, I was back home, the real home in Tartu, it felt great.

Had a great journey and looking forward to next one!


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