Fifth and final week in Rotterdam // Endrik


Woke up at 7.20, had my regular breakfast, which is oatmeal with 30g of blueberries and 1 kiwi. I was wearing my rain coat when riding to work, because it was a little bit rainy in the morning. At work we did a stand-up, after which Vincent did an presentation about the prelude of American revolution, although he readed all of the text from computer, it was still nice to learn a bit of history. After history lesson I started working on the hotspots page, finished it quite fast, used bootstrap card classes for displaying data. After that Michiel asked me if i was able to do some graphics for Rotterdam water weekend. . Of course, why not, he sent me the png file of banner, what I had to do was change the text inside the circle from "29 juni t/m 1 juli" to " 1 juli Maritiem District" and make it into a gif with waving effect. I downloaded Adobe After Effects for that and unfortunately the work day had ended for that moment, when it finished downloading. After work we boiled eggs with Brenet, 2 eggs per face, after eating the eggs I took my jump rope and did cardio for about 30 mins, my knees hurt badly, so I think I'm better off giving rest to them. After workout I ate some tuna with salsa and had myself a protein shake with bcaa-s. Henri and Brenet went to visit and have a dinner with their boss, I stayed at home to study and do my own stuff.


Woke up at 7.30, for breakfast I had oatmeal with 30g of blueberries and 1 kiwi. At work we had stand-up first thing in the morning, after which I went and took myself a tangarine and started working on yesterdays gif, reinstalled Adobe After Effects, added warp/wave effect to the png image to get that sick water wave animation. I did that for about 2 hours, because my pc freezed a couple times while rendering the end-product. Then it was time for lunch, I ate about 8 sandwiches, resulting in 1800kcal, man the sandwiches tasted so good, but i eated way too much. After lunch I got a new task for tomorrow, which is switching inline styling for scss in seperate file. I tried to work on the gif, but Adobe didn't want to cooperate with me, every gif or video that I rendered was glitchy/buggy/laggy. After work we immediately went to the gym with Brenet, we trained arms and abs and did 30 mins of cardio at the end of workout. 30 mins of walking 5km/h per hour on a 12% incline burned 300 calories with 30 mins. My post-workout meal was protein shake and 2 rice crackers with cucumbers. The whole evening I didn't take my computer out, instead I readed a book called "4 hour workweek" by Tim Ferriss, book is about earning more by doing less and living whereever you want, very nice book, I strongly recommend ;).


Last day at work, woke up at 7.20. Fast hygiene and regular breakfast. Before leaving for work at 8.10 somebody knocked on our door, I went to see who it was. It was our landlords female friend, talked with him about some stuff and then went to work. Glad that I wasn't late on my last day. Morning started with stand-up, Michiel promised to have beer with us because of my last day. After stand-up I started filling my intership documents, printed intership diary out. At the same time I was working on the gif that Michiel asked me to do, I'm so happy that I finally got it working nice and clear. I immediately went to Michiel with my internship documents and told him that I have great news, the gif is working, Michiel was very pleased, so was I. Michiel gave me very good grades and review, which I am very happy for. After that we had lunch, I ate about 11 sandwiches resulting in about 2300 kcal, well since it's my last day I had to really enjoy myself. After lunch I worked on the daily tasks page, built the basic layout for it and at 16.00 we had some beers. Talked with the guys for the last time and then went home. After sitting for about 1 hour at home, we finally went to the gym with Brenet. Just before cardio Brenet sold his bike, I sold mine when we got  back home to some Australian guy, who moved to Rotterdam 3 days ago. Rest of the night we spent at home.


Woke up at around 9, had a breakfast and then me, Brenet and Henri went to the city to buy some souvenirs. It was very hot outside. After walking for some time we finally arrived at a outdoor market, people sold everything there, cheese, waffels, fruits, clothes etc. Me and Brenet tried stroopwafels, which were live made, tasted pretty good. After that we went back to a souvenir shop, where we bought various souvenirs to home, after that we walked around city for the last time and went back to our apartment to clean up a bit. After cleaning we went to grocery store, bought some food for the night and some candy also to home. At 20.45 we started watching Liverpool - Real Madrid game and thats how our day ended.


Last day at Rotterdam, our morning started at 5.20, immediately went to shower and prepare breakfast and lunch. We had to do quite fast because at 6.15 Jeroen came to pick us up. We cleaned up the apartment, moved beds and furniture and then went outside with our baggages. At 6.15 Jeroen pulled up with his Model S Tesla, was very nice of him to come and pick us up. On our way to Schipotle airport Jeroen talked about history and various interesting topics, he also sent us to check-in to make sure that we are all good. I also made a picture of Jeroen, Henri and Brenet. Finally when we got past check-in we went on to our first flight, which was to Copenhagen. On the flight I was reading a book called "4 hour work week". When we finally arrived at Copenhagen, we had to wait more than 2 hours for our flight to Tallinn, also the plane was 30 mins late. On the flight we talked with Irish elder couple, they were with a group and their plan was to visit the Baltic states. We gave them breif introduction about Estonia. Finally at Tallinn, we picked up our baggages and went to get a bus. First two buses were sold out, so we went to Tallinn bus station and bought a ticket for 19.15 bus, currently I am sitting on the backseat with Henri and writing blog, but we will arrive at Tartu at about 22.05, there my mom will pick me up, then I will go home, put my stuff into closet and go to sleep, because we have to be at school tomorrow early. Overall the internship was very nice, good memories, nice people, was kind of heart-breaking to leave Rotterdam, but at the same time it's quite nice to get back home and start enjoying summer. Huge shoutout to Jeroen for giving us a ride, also Michiel and Sonne who were very cool and fun bosses, all the students from Coders Academy were very friendly and fun people overall.


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