Fourth week of internship in Rotterdam (Brenet)

I woke up at 7:30, ate and went to work with Henri. At work we tested computers, dealt with logistics – had to find printer pieces, pack and ship them away. At 17:30 I arrived at home, ate and went to the GYM with Endrik. After training I went walking in the city with my girlfriend. Before going to sleep, we watched a movie.
I woke up at 5:00 to send my girlfriend to the train station. After that i came back home and went to sleep again for 1h. Then we went to work with Henri. At work we translated from English and Dutch to Estonian. We managed to translate everything in one day. After work i went to the GYM with Endrik and cooked with Henri.
I woke up at 7:50 ate and went to work. At work Joey picked me up and we went to Belgium, where there were two clients wanting us to fix their tv’s. Visiting Belgium was interesting and fun, because i had never been there before. At 18 i arrived home and went to the GYM with Endrik. After that we ate and went to sleep.
I woke up at 7:50, ate and went to work. At work we finally got to meet the programmers and we watched them work. The code was a bit hard for us, because we have mainly learned frontend, but they did backend. The main programmes they used for the code were Atom and Intellij IDEA. We learned from Maarten how to fix bugs and he showed us a new kind of framework, which we had never seen before. It was called „React native“. We watched Maarten fix Service Planet’s app and i tried to understand what different parts of the code did. When I got home, I went to the GYM with Endrik and after that I helped my girlfriend with her newsletter.

I woke up at 7:30, ate and made something to take to work with me. At work we went to Den Bosch with Pascal. There we had to mount a tv on the wall. The second place was in Belgium. There we also had to mount a tv on the wall, but unfortunately it was not possible, because the client did not have enough room for it. We put the tv on the dresser and set it up. The third place was in the Netherlands again. In Oostehout we had to mount a tv on the wall. At 17 I got home, ate and went to the GYM with Endrik. After training I again helped with my girlfriends’ newsletter.
On Saturday I woke up at 10. Then I ate and went to the GYM with Endrik. After training I showered at home and we went to the city center to buy some shoes. Unfortunately, I did not find the right shoes. When we got home, I started learning Atom and Bootstrap .
On Sunday I woke up, ate and wrote a little bit of code in my computer. At 15 we went to the park of Euromast. There we had a picnic and we enjoyed the weather. We got home at 20. Then I continued practicing the code and went to sleep. 


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