Henri's third week in Rotterdam!

3. WEEK: (07.05-13.05)

Day 15: Monday

Woke up at 7.20, didn't feel like waking up at all. When I finally got up, nice sunshine brought me some positive vibes and I was all good to go. Bikerides in the morning with this kind of weather are the best. We had some coffees with Brenet and went to Technical Center. Anthony needed help with Friday's assignment, so we helped him. Teamwork with Brenet went so much better than with Spanish dude, we managed to sort out and pack all required ones, even Anthony was impressed I think hehe. All the time we were helping Anthony, we were also testing laptops, 5 at a time. We had our lunchbreak at 1.30 pm and when we returned to work, we continued with the testing. We tested 10 laptops regularly and reduced our burden, but the engineers' one was getting too heavy, because we couldn't fit any laptops on any shelf. We rode home at 5 pm, weather was hot, me and Brenet both dreamed about shorts, it was so hot in jeans!
At home, Brenet and Endrik went to gym, I thought that it is time to get rid of the extra-wool on my head and visit some local barber. Luckily, there's was 2 barbers around the corner, so I didn't have to go far. Walked in one, saw 2 dudes with rastas of-knee-long(I don't know if it's correct English), both were very friendly. Asked nicely if I can get a haircut here and how much, one of them said ofcourse and 15 euros - that's affordable to me. Barber used some nice tehniques which I had never seen, very cool! In my opinion, he did a good job - I was very fond of my new haircut, it was 1 to 1 with the one I wanted, so I praised the barber with kind words and went home.
At home, Brenet and Endrik hadn' returned yet, so I thought I should do one bar-training session too. On my way there, on the bridge, my bike's chain came off, so I had to put it back on. My hands were very oily. I washed them in canal nearby and cleaned them on grass. I was almost there and my hands were clean enough, atleast my palms, so I wasn't a quitter and still hit the bars. Did some pull-up, abs, push-up and triceps, my lower back still hurt so I had to be careful.
Back home I washed my hands finally, wrote some blog and visited internet world. We had for dinner chicken with vegetables in sweet-sour sauce, which was delicious. Filled internship diary and wrote blog. Watched a little bit Spartacus, but was too tired and fell asleep at midnight.

Day 16: Tuesday

Woke up at 9, because today we had a meeting with Ellen to complete last internship documents. It was fine for us, we could sleep til 9. Had some bananas for breakfast and started riding towards Rosestraat 1101 which was 5 km away and on the other side of Eramsus' bridge. We went to 4th floor(3rd in here) where Ellen was already waiting for us. She is so lovely person and good communicator. She offered us anything for coffee-machine, so I had water once and 2 times Hot Choclates, because they were really good. Endrik and Tarvi said the same. We talked about our companies and how our life has gone in Rotterdam. Endrik and Tarvi were satisfied with their companies, me and Brenet still haven't managed to do our set tasks for internship, so that's might be a little concern for us, otherwise it is very good. If it is possible, we will meet Ellen again once before we leave.
We rode to work with Brenet, we were wearing shorts this time and it was sunny 26 degrees, nice weather for bikeride. In the afternoon when we arrived we were told shorts are not allowed. Atleast it is not 25 degrees in the morning! :D
Brenet and me did good old su-je-fa who will go find printers and who will start testing. I won, I started with the testing and Brenet went to look for printers. I think a lot of people were on holiday this week, because there weren't many workers here this week. I managed to test about 20 laptops, when about 4 pm, I joined with Brenet. At 5, workday had ended and we rode our bikes back home, this time different way in hopes to see something new. Nope, didn't see, a little bit dissapointing, next time we have to take a bigger route.
At home, I heated up yesterday's dinner and watched some Spartacus. Because it was nice weather, I decided to have a little bike ride in the evening and bought myself Fanta way back. Drank some smoothie and fell asleep around 11pm.

My testing station:

Evening bike ride:

Day 17: Wednesday

Woke up at 7.15 and had a shower. For breakfast, I ate some bananas and yogurt as usual. Today I was helping with Monique to unpack, scan and re-pack products. We were working with laptops, computers, screens, printers etc. Basically everything.
For lunch I had 2 sandwiches and a banana. I was a little bit tired, when boss Jeroen came and asked if I wanted to ride with his Tesla. Brenet was going also! Wow, what an amazing idea! :D Ofcourse I want to!
Tesla ride was the best! The accelereation and no-soundness of this machine are out of this world. I could also drive it myself!!! Something I had never experienced before. So quiet, wow. I would definetly want to be able to buy myself a car of this kind in the future.
Work-day ended with helping Monique with the packing and repacking. Brenet also came to help, but he had lost his lock's keys, so he looked for them over an hour. He finally found them in trash, so I didn't have to ride home alone, yay!
On our way home, we saw our friend-bunnies, weather was perfect, they were enjoying it. We made some sandwiches and took some snacks with us and went to a nearby park. Park was full of people who were grilling, playing ball, talking, drinking etc basically enjoying themselves. We found ourselves a quiet corner under a tree next to a small pond full of birds. It was very beautiful, we liked it a lot. Evening-sun was warm as we layed on grass and enjoyed our evening. Ducks and ducklings swam close looking for some bread. Unfortunately, we hadn't bring any with us, we had already eaten our sandwiches. Brenet and Endrik went home to fix that mistake and returned, so ducklings and their mother got a nice dinner. We were back home a little bit past 11, it was so warm outside, I was only with a sweater. Summer has finally arrived here? Maybe. At home I watched the last-episode of the first season of Spartacus. At night I had to "wrestle" with mice because they kept keeping noise and I couldn't sleep. I finally managed to at 2 am.

 Tesla drive:

Day 18: Thursday

Yay, today is a free day! Some national holiday, I don't really know which one, something about Jesus rising, but I'm not sure. Thank you for the free day, Jesus you good man! I slept til noon, Endrik and Brenet went to gym. Today is the day Brenet's girlfriend Elisa comes to visit, so Brenet went to Rotterdam Centraal train station after gym and Endrik came home. I made myself a full-leisure day. I basically layed on bed and watched different series on Netflix and chatted with friends all day. I also had a mid-day dreaming session, because I felt tired. Endrik, Brenet and Elisa went to rent a bike for Elisa and repair Endrik's bikes. Both missions were successful.
In the evening, me and Brenet had dinner in a Kebab place, which is only 20 metres from our front door. I had Dürüm kebab, Brenet had some Falafel or I don't know what that was. I also had a Kipcorn, basically chicken stick. My Dürüm was good, I think I might visit this place one time more. Only 3,5 euros for full-stomach. And it was delicious too! Watched some Spartacus and fell asleep around 11 pm.

No pictures/videos of today.

Day 19: Friday

Woke up 7.24, had 2 yogurts and 2 bananas for breakfast. Motivation was the coming weekend and off we went with positive vibes couple minutes past 8. Today I was working beside Brenet which is really cool, we can chat during work, so time flies twice as fast! We had to help Monique with this week's orders. We were very successful, we managed to got all order together an hour before end of the work-week, so we rewareded us with coffees. Before the final end, we unpacked and repacked over 40 laptops just in a couple minutes. Hehe, fast workers! Very positive news came from our supervisors, when they said we can start working with developers on Monday! Yay!! That was really good to hear.
On our way back, one friend-bunny was greeting us and we wished each other a great weekend. At home, I did some sandwiches and went to get some groceries and couple beers, because it's Friday. Me and Endrik played like 3 League of Legends videogames and decided to go to sleep around 1. I watched some Spartacus and fell asleep before 2, because Spartacus wasn't really interesting, second season is a throwback-season, just before the action had started in the first season.

Wished a good weekend to my friend bunnies:

Day 20: Saturday

Woke up a little bit past 11, Endrik was already making his breakfast and tea. I woke up, had a shower and a banana for breakfast. Today's main plan was visiting Zuidsplein, a large mall over Erasmus bridge in Rotterdam-Zuit. I have never visited this large mall before, there were so many restaurants, clothing stores, sports stores etc. Basically Lõunakeskus, Kaubamaja and Kvartal put together. Prices were same as Estonia when we visited our first clothing stores. But when we found Primark, whaat, that clothing store I really liked. There were so many nice clothes with very cheap prices. I bought myself a jacket, 2 pair of pants, 1 pair of jeans and a belt for 60 euros. And I almost bought a jacket for 100 euros in Estonia, hehe.
For lunch I had Kebab-box in Zuidsplein, which was quite good. Others had some healthier meals and grabbed salads etc, which they kind of liked.
We arrived back home at 6, I started to write the blog, played one game with Endrik and continued my beers I had bought yesterday watching videos. Endrik played private-Runescape, Tarvi did his own stuff, Brenet was with his girlfriend and I drank beer. At night, I had a little bikeride around the city. Me and Endrik fell asleep at 2 am.

Day 21: Sunday

Woke up couple minutes past 11, had breakfast and a shower. At noon we started heading towards local Zoo - Diergaarde Blijdorp. Weather outside wasn't good, like 15 to 18 degrees and constantly drizzling. Zoo was really great, animals seemed to be taken care of and pleased with their situation, so it made me also feel good. We saw how lions ate a chunk of meat. In the Plantarium were so many different colored butterflies, maybe even hundred of them, who flew by in front of our eyes. In the Zoo, mainly caught our eye beautiful wild cats, savannah lynx?, playful monkeys, broken-jawed and playing-dead crocodiles, paws to skies laying hyenas. For lunch I had Dürüm from local restaurant, which was okay, also I had Chocomel to drink, which is probably the best drink here(cold cacao).
After the zoo visit, we came home, I wrote some blog and thought it is a good idea to do one bar-training session on the bars I found earlier this week. So I went! Weather was a bit cold and my muscles had recovered, so it was very good to train. When I returned, I felt like my hands were noodles, that's how exhausted they were!
At home, I talked with my dear mothers(2 grandmas and mother), who I congratulated on Mother's Day. They are very caring and kind, something I value in them the most. Also, my mother had birthday today, so it was a very special day for her, happy birthday, Mom! :)
For dinner, Brenet made some potatos with minced meat and vegetables for his girlfriend and for me ofcourse, Henri was also hungry. But Henri was very grateful to Brenet for filling his stomach with such pleasing tastes.
I wrote some blog, translated it to English and watched some Spartacus. Fell asleep around midnight. I hope tomorrow will be interesting, we will get to work with developers if we are fortunate.

My lunch:

The difference of plant's strenght in 100 years.


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